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MacKinnon Brothers Harvest Ale 473ml
This beer is brewed with a focus on the barley harvest, resulting in a profile that is influenced by each growing season on our farm.
473 ML cans, 15 IBU, 5.0% ABV
Tasting Notes
Brewed as a celebration of the growing season.
100% estate-grown Newport bittering hops and spalter select aroma hops.
100% estate-grown Munich malt. Munich malt is kilned at a higher temperature compared with regular ale malts, giving it the opportunity to express more complex flavours. Our harvest ale has a slightly bready aroma with a toasty, lightly sweet flavour that can only be described as "Malty". We harvest our fields of barley and hops during the waning days of summer, capturing their flavour for this 100% farm-sourced ale. The harvest ale comes through with a rich malt flavour.
As this product contains alcohol it can only be delivered to a residence or business, and the purchaser & person receiving the product must be of legal drinking age in Ontario (and be able to produce a valid piece of Government-issued Photo ID).