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Lighthouse Natural Lemonade Concentrate 750ml
You can count the number of ingredients in our cordials on your fingers! No gluten, animal ingredients, or artificial colouring.
- Water
- Lemon/Lime Juice (almost half a cup of fresh squeezed juice in every bottle
- Sugar (our citrus cordials — when mixed with water to the suggested ratio 1:8 in a serving — typically contain far less sugar than other lemonades)
- Lemon/Lime Zest (we like to use the real thing)
- Citric Acid (a natural substance present in most fruits and vegetables, citric acid provides a crisp, clear zest of flavour and conserves freshness)
- Tartaric Acid (this acid occurs naturally in fruits, such as grapes, and is one of the main acids in wine. It gives a sour taste and is used as an antioxidant)
1 bottle (750 mL) of Lighthouse Lime Lemonade cordial makes 7 Litres of lemonade.
Lighthouse Lemonade lasts 18 months from production.